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Mary Did You Know Short Film

Public·28 members
Anh Ho
December 11, 2021 · joined the group.
Christopher Tru Hood
Anh Ho
Dec 12, 2021

Hello everyone, my name is Anh Ho, 22 years old. I am currently studying Nutrition, but also I do have a passion for art, specially acting. Actually, I came across with a huge interest in Kpop, but realized that I don't have the voice for it so I tried out acting and surprisedly, it hit me right there! If there are opportunities for acting, I would love to try since it helps me to build my profile, and also like "a break" from my reality world. I know that most of us here are feeling this, like trying hard to navigate this pathway but also balance our real-life job so we can support for this thing. For me, i feel like living a 2 lives and that would go on until i finally find the answer if acting would choose me or not. But I keep my head high. Just like you guys. Trust in ourselves. Lets get this project done wonderfully! Thank you!



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