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Mary Did You Know Short Film

Public·28 members

Jennifer Davis
Anh Ho
December 11, 2021 · joined the group.
Christopher Tru Hood
Anh Ho
Dec 12, 2021

Hello everyone, my name is Anh Ho, 22 years old. I am currently studying Nutrition, but also I do have a passion for art, specially acting. Actually, I came across with a huge interest in Kpop, but realized that I don't have the voice for it so I tried out acting and surprisedly, it hit me right there! If there are opportunities for acting, I would love to try since it helps me to build my profile, and also like "a break" from my reality world. I know that most of us here are feeling this, like trying hard to navigate this pathway but also balance our real-life job so we can support for this thing. For me, i feel like living a 2 lives and that would go on until i finally find the answer if acting would choose me or not. But I keep my head high. Just like you guys. Trust in ourselves. Lets get this project done wonderfully! Thank you!


Hey, Hey All


to start with some answer to question?

It makes it easier for me to cast each and every individual when I post your monologue or reel on here. In order to assist me with identifying you and your work personally. I am attempting to work around everyone's schedule. However, I would like to start casting this Sunday, so I will be taking reels and monologues by the end of Saturday. Please let me know if you know anyone who can act and would like to be a part of the show. I need their monologue, headshot, and a small bio by tomorrow. As for the script, it will be given out on Sunday evening. Therefore, if you're interested in participating in a particular role, let me know on Sunday. You can also take on more than one role. The story is being told and…

Kai Kai
Jennifer Davis
SouthernBell Ladon

Christopher Tru Hood
Christopher Tru Hood
Christopher Tru Hood
Dec 11, 2021

Welcome! May you please post a monologue or Reel also add your head shots before 6pm to be considered for casting thanks you



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